Small but big in meaning. At T&A, we love putting together intimate tea gift sets featuring our favourite teas. Here’s our selection for the coming Chinese New Year.
Set 1 (RM138)
Magpies rise to the tallest trees,
Red plum blossoms announce the arrival of spring.
- 50g of Red oolong
- 50g of Red ruby
Set 2 (RM138)
Spring graces the fields with fragrant meadows,
Gentle rains nurture the apricot blossoms.
- 50g of Honey orchid aroma
- 100g of Golden osmanthus
Set 3 (RM88)
Year after year, may peace fill your days,
Spring after spring, may your wishes come true.
A sampler collection of seven teas:
- Red ruby black tea 10g
- Red oolong 10g
- Iron goddess 6g
- Golden tip pu er 10g
- Old tree shui xian 8g
- Golden osmanthus 10g
- Teochew wild black tea 10g
Keeping with our tradition to reduce packaging waste in gifting, we are offering two furoshiki sized cotton prints:
Tiger with mugworth in his mouth to clear away the 5 poisonous creatures (艾虎镇五毒). This is a classic Chinese motif wishing for good health and peace.
The seigaiha, is a popular Japanese motif of endless calm waves symbolising strength, good luck and everlasting happiness.
套组 1 (RM138)
- 50g 红乌龙
- 50g 红玉
套组 2 (RM138)
- 50g 蜜兰香
- 100g 黄金桂
套组 3 (RM88)
- 红玉红茶 10g
- 红乌龙 10g
- 铁观音 6g
- 金芽普洱 10g
- 老枞水仙 8g
- 黄金桂 10g
- 潮州野生红茶 10g。